黑五活动继续,美国vps主机商 TurnkeyInternet 是一家比较老的商家,成立于1999年;数据中心位于纽约,这个有点小失望,架构采用 KVM 为基础的云架构,支持linux和windows不同的操作系统;所有VPS均为100M带宽不限流量,以及纯SSD固态硬盘,黑五出了二个2折码,分别适用于月付款和年付款,详情如下:
Note: Microsoft licenses are included ONLY on the Windows pre-ready OS templates listed above; you must provide your own OEM license (Windows 7 or 8, for example) if you choose to install an operating system from the VNC console using an ISO disc image.
My traceroute [v0.75] MyServer ( Thu Nov 27 15:10:37 2014 Keys: Help Display mode Restart statistics Order of fields quit Packets Pings Host Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev 1. htuidc.bgp.ip 0.0% 25 33.5 17.9 2.8 173.2 33.7 2. htuidc.bgp.ip 0.0% 25 2.6 27.9 2.4 79.7 31.4 3. route53.htu.cc 0.0% 25 16.7 7.5 3.0 50.8 9.7 4. hn.kd.ny.adsl 0.0% 25 8.3 7.2 2.3 19.4 4.8 5. hn.kd.ny.adsl 0.0% 25 3.8 7.1 1.4 91.5 17.6 6. pc217.zz.ha.cn 0.0% 25 7.2 19.3 3.6 193.3 44.5 7. 0.0% 25 25.8 39.6 24.8 208.7 43.8 8. 4.0% 25 95.6 110.1 91.3 308.2 54.3 9. 0.0% 25 91.2 106.1 82.5 338.2 58.2 10. 0.0% 25 202.6 218.3 200.7 459.3 54.4 11. 10ge16-6.core1.lax2.he.net 0.0% 25 206.5 215.9 195.1 406.1 50.4 12. 10ge10-2.core1.lax1.he.net 0.0% 25 194.2 209.7 192.1 338.2 32.8 13. 10ge10-8.core1.nyc4.he.net 0.0% 25 265.5 277.4 260.4 434.7 36.2 14. 10ge4-1.core1.nyc5.he.net 0.0% 24 262.6 268.1 252.2 372.6 32.0 15. xe-0-0-0.edge2.ny01.as40244.net 4.2% 24 284.7 298.5 284.1 429.0 35.6 16. xe-1-0-1.core127.ny01.as40244.net 0.0% 24 290.3 278.2 267.4 354.3 19.5 17. www.turnkeyinternet.net 0.0% 24 289.4 277.7 266.3 340.3 17.8
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