黑色星期五优惠几乎是每年美国vps主机界的大庆之一了,商家 HudsonValleyHost 也开始了相应活动;数据中心主要包括洛杉矶、达拉斯、纽约Buffalo、芝加哥和亚特兰大,主要涉及到的产品共有2个,三年付 OpenVZ 架构VPS一枚,阿童木CPU独立服务器一枚,详细的配置和价格如下表格:
They’re running nodes with 32GB DDR3 RAM, an Intel Xeon E3V2 CPU and hard drives with hardware RAID10. Hudson Valley Host accept payments via credit cards and paypal. They offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee, but don’t seem to offer refunds.
Buffalo, NY, USA: http://lg-buff.hudsonvalleyhost.com/
Dallas, TX, USA: http://lg-dal.hudsonvalleyhost.com/
Los Angeles, CA, USA: http://lg-la.hudsonvalleyhost.com/
Chicago, IL, USA: http://lg-chi.hudsonvalleyhost.com/
Atlanta, GA, USA: http://lg-atl.hudsonvalleyhost.com/
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