
美国vps主机商 NeximWeb 是一家注册于科罗拉多州的公司,成立于2010年;基础虚拟采用 OpenVZ 架构,数据中心位于加拿大ovh,每个VPS均提供 1Gbps 无限流量,另外还提供一定程度的DDOS防护服务(详见下文),2014年提供了一个年底前有效的码:letnov2014永久性折扣,适用于购买全站VPS使用,其实平时小夜不太关注加拿大的VPS,这家提供优势是G口不限流量及DDOS防护,所以小介绍一下,下面为方案的详情:

  • 核心:1核CPU
  • 内存:512MB
  • 硬盘:25GB
  • 流量:Unlimited
  • 端口:1Gbps
  • 架构:OpenVZ
  • 价格:$1.75/month
  • 核心:2核CPU
  • 内存:1GB
  • 硬盘:50GB
  • 流量:Unlimited
  • 端口:1Gbps
  • 架构:OpenVZ
  • 价格:$3.50/month
  • 核心:3核CPU
  • 内存:2GB
  • 硬盘:100GB
  • 流量:Unlimited
  • 端口:1Gbps
  • 架构:OpenVZ
  • 价格:$7/month

All our servers are deployed with at least 64GB of ram and have latest Xeon E5 CPU's with at least 3.5ghz clock speed per core.
The servers are located in Beauharnois, QC, Canada at OVH's datacenter with 3TBps total network connectivity. All servers have a gigabit port.
All servers come with advanced DDoS protection up to 480GBPS or 500 million packets per second.



SpeedTest File:



                               My traceroute  [v0.75]
MyServer (                                         Wed Nov 26 09:18:28 2014 
Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                           Packets               Pings 
 Host                                    Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev 
 1. htuidc.bgp.ip                         0.0%    16    2.6   7.8   2.5  50.1  11.7 
 2. htuidc.bgp.ip                         0.0%    16   69.7  26.4   2.6 130.0  42.3 
 3. route53.htu.cc                        0.0%    16   11.8   8.3   2.9  35.9   9.6 
 4. hn.kd.ny.adsl                         0.0%    16    1.6   3.1   1.3  10.9   3.1 
 5. hn.kd.ny.adsl                         0.0%    16    2.6   3.4   1.8   5.3   1.3 
 6. pc201.zz.ha.cn                        0.0%    16   27.5  28.6  27.3  30.6   1.3 
 7.                        0.0%    16   32.3  31.8  30.0  35.0   1.3 
 8.                         0.0%    16   31.9  33.4  31.5  40.9   2.3 
 9.                         0.0%    16   38.3  36.0  32.3  55.7   5.5 
10.                        0.0%    16  211.1 211.3 207.3 223.9   4.3 
11.                       20.0%    16  310.5 309.5 306.7 318.2   3.2 
12. xe-2-2-3.miami15.mia.seabone.net     40.0%    16  406.3 443.2 406.3 468.0  20.3 
13. xe-2-2-3.miami15.mia.seabone.net     26.7%    16  428.1 436.5 400.1 449.6  16.7 
14. mia-1-6k.fl.us                       20.0%    16  562.3 484.8 446.5 562.3  28.5 
15.                        93.3%    16  440.4 440.4 440.4 440.4   0.0
16. bhs-g1-6k.qc.ca                      26.7%    15  450.8 476.9 445.3 491.0  17.7 
17.                         13.3%    15  429.2 454.8 423.6 467.2  16.6 
18. sprocket.zoomnode.com                 6.7%    15  452.1 478.0 446.5 489.2  16.5 
19.                         35.7%    14  424.3 450.6 421.4 459.6  15.8