GigeVPS Redirect to ThrustVPS.com
GigeVPS, started by Jacob Wall after acquiring HostLatch, post their first offer on LowEndBox in July 2010 offering 512MB OpenVZ VPS for $6.95/month in Orlando with HostDime.
HazeNET Redirect to ThrustVPS.com
HazeNET were first featured on LowEndBox also in July 2010, and being probably the very first VPS provider offering 1GB OpenVZ VPS under $7/month, based in Kansas City.
IntelliServe IP not resolvable
IntelliServe posted their WHT offer and picked up by me early last month. £2.39/month 256MB OpenVZ VPS in an interesting location.
NoVPS cPanel default page
In fact, as their last post on WHT was from November 2010, they could have been in dead pool back then. $30/year Xen package wasn’t too bad.
Plasawebhost Website account suspended
I posted offer from Plasawebhost just before Christmas after getting emails from Anto. $6.49/month 128MB OpenVZ VPS would be on the “expensive” side of scale overhere on WHT.
SitePenguin Website offline
SitePenguin‘s first offer was featured here almost 2 years ago. $4.99 for 128MB OpenVZ VPS — even on-par with some of today’s offer.
veVPS Redirect to VolumeDrive.
veVPS — first post March 2011 with 1GB OpenVZ VPS for $7, hosted with VolumeDrive in Scranton. At least with our statistics, the reps coming for a fight on LowEndBox usually won’t have their business for long.
V for VPS cPanel default page
V for VPS was first posted here in January. $4.99 for 384MB OpenVZ VPS in Chicago. Their Netherlands server had spam-related issue, and the owner “Mike” basically just disappeared since March.
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